
See AI2's full collection of videos on our YouTube channel.
Viewing 191-200 of 258 videos
  • Situated Intelligent Interactive Systems Thumbnail

    Situated Intelligent Interactive Systems

    January 18, 2017  |  Zhou Yu
    Communication is an intricate dance, an ensemble of coordinated individual actions. Imagine a future where machines interact with us like humans, waking us up in the morning, navigating us to work, or discussing our daily schedules in a coordinated and natural manner. Current interactive systems being developed…
  • Artificial Intelligence will empower us, not exterminate us Thumbnail

    Artificial Intelligence will empower us, not exterminate us

    November 19, 2016  |  Oren Etzioni
    Artificial Intelligence advocate Oren Etzioni makes a case for the life-saving benefits of AI used wisely to improve our way of life. Acknowledging growing fears about AI’s potential for abuse of power, he asks us to consider how to responsibly balance our desire for greater intelligence and autonomy with the…
  • Computer Vision @ Facebook Thumbnail

    Computer Vision @ Facebook

    November 8, 2016  |  Manohar Pulari
    Over the past 5 years the community has made significant strides in the field of Computer Vision. Thanks to large scale datasets, specialized computing in form of GPUs and many breakthroughs in modeling better convnet architectures Computer Vision systems in the wild at scale are becoming a reality. At Facebook…
  • Knowledge Based Question Answering Thumbnail

    Knowledge Based Question Answering

    October 18, 2016  |  Kun Xu
    As very large structured knowledge bases have become available, answering natural language questions over structured knowledge facts has attracted increasing research efforts. We tackle this task in a pipeline paradigm, that is, recognizing users’ query intention and mapping the involved semantic items against a…
  • Modular Neural Architectures for Grounded Language Learning Thumbnail

    Modular Neural Architectures for Grounded Language Learning

    October 18, 2016  |  Jacob Andreas
    Language understanding depends on two abilities: an ability to translate between natural language utterances and abstract representations of meaning, and an ability to relate these meaning representations to the world. In the natural language processing literature, these tasks are respectively known as "semantic…
  • Navigating Natural Language Using Reinforcement Learning Thumbnail

    Navigating Natural Language Using Reinforcement Learning

    September 29, 2016  |  Karthik Narasimhan
    In this talk, I will describe two approaches to learning natural language semantics using reward-based feedback. This is in contrast to many NLP approaches that rely on large amounts of supervision, which is often expensive and difficult to obtain. First, I will describe a framework utilizing reinforcement…
  • Collective and Multi-relational Models for Network Mining Thumbnail

    Collective and Multi-relational Models for Network Mining

    September 26, 2016  |  Shobeir Fakhraei
    Our world is becoming increasingly connected, and so is the data collected from it. To represent, reason about, and model the real-world data, it is essential to develop computational models capable of representing the underlying network structures and their characteristics. Domains such as scholarly networks…
  • Grounding and Generation of Natural Language Descriptions for Images and Videos Thumbnail

    Grounding and Generation of Natural Language Descriptions for Images and Videos

    September 19, 2016  |  Anna Rohrbach
    In recent years many challenging problems have emerged in the field of language and vision. Frequently the only form of available annotation is the natural language sentence associated with an image or video. How can we address complex tasks like automatic video description or visual grounding of textual phrases…
  • Exploring Relational Features and Learning Thumbnail

    Exploring Relational Features and Learning

    September 13, 2016  |  Ajay Nagesh
    Information Extraction has become an indispensable tool in our quest to handle the data deluge of the information age. In this talk, we discuss the categorization of complex relational features and outline methods to learn feature combinations through induction. We demonstrate the efficacy of induction…
  • Freebase Semantic Parsing With and Without QA Pairs Thumbnail

    Freebase Semantic Parsing With and Without QA Pairs

    September 7, 2016  |  Siva Reddy
    I will present three semantic parsing approaches for querying Freebase in natural language 1) training only on raw web corpus, 2) training on question-answer (QA) pairs, and 3) training on both QA pairs and web corpus. For 1 and 2, we conceptualise semantic parsing as a graph matching problem, where natural…